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Welcome to the Flotilla 2-1, District 1NR Web Site

                                                  National IT Approval Logo

National IT Approval Logo


Flotilla Meetings:  Unless otherwise noted under Flotilla Calendar Casco Bay Flotilla meetings are held at the Rusty Scupper Club,  U.S. Coast Guard Complex, South Portland, Maine, on the second Monday of each month at 1900. Uniform for meetings:


1 April through October 31 is TROPICAL BLUE or SERVICE DRESS BLUE

1 November through 31 March is SERVICE DRESS BLUE,  WINTER DRESS BLUE, or TROPICAL BLUE  which can be worn year around. 

Flotilla Meeting Notice/Newsletters current and archives are on the Flotilla Publications page which you can find in the menu . Flotilla Meeting Minutes and Staff Meeting Minutes and Notes when available are a sub menu on the Members Only page.   

Members please, login with your AuxDirectory Credentials to view the Members Only Page with submenus with instructions for how to create a Flotilla Directory, a pictorial tutorial on AuxDirectory with how to change your information, create a printable Quick Reference Tool and Members Directory.